With chronic migraines, there are a lot of bad days. A LOT. This one happened to be on a Tuesday a few weeks ago. As soon as I opened my eyes to get out of bed I was literally…in a mood, and not a good one. The mood took a turn for the worse when I went into the living room and saw socks on the floor and dirty dishes on the end table. The boyfriend, with whom I live, was immediately the target of this unpleasant state. Although he was responsible for the misplaced socks and the left out dishes, he probably didn't deserve the tongue lashing I gave him. I may have over-reacted.
As I went to my appointments and ran my errands, my mood continued to sour. I couldn't seem to get into a “happy” groove. Not one thing in my day was going as I thought it should. And again, the boyfriend was on the receiving end of everything. As he desperately tried to figure out what to do to make me happy, I was cursing the fact that there was nothing he (or anyone) could do. If I didn’t know what I wanted or needed, how was he supposed to? He did not have a migraine-go-away button, nor was he telepathic. All I could communicate to him was that I wanted to be left alone in my misery. I pushed him away.
Eventually, after napping for a bit and getting some food in my belly, I started to come around. Things started to feel…less bad. While we watched our favorite Tuesday night TV show, I found myself creeping closer and closer to him on the couch. By the end of the show we were cuddled together. The boyfriend, being the wonderful man that he is, let me lean on him, and let me off without an apology. He pulled me closer.
Then, an epiphany. I realized that this man still loved me just as much as he had the day before despite the hell I had just put him through. He still wanted to share my days, both good and bad. He knew how hard of a day I had had and he didn’t blame me for taking it out on him. He…understood. I then knew what I wanted, what I needed to make me happy. Him. So I asked him to marry me. And he said yes.