Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Think, I Feel, I Am

It was suggested to me by a close friend that I am losing myself in my illness. That is to say that I have begun to let it define me. I believe her statement is accurate. One of the reasons for the extended time lapse between blog posts is that it seems the only things I have to write about, while honest and very true, are also very depressing. So, I spent the last several weeks thinking about who I am besides "sick Jess." Here is some of what I came up with:

I think...

I have the best parents ever;

happiness is mostly self-induced;

it's possible to fall in love many times throughout one's life and that doing so prepares one for the ultimate "love" commitment;

all people should be treated equal, in every sense of the word;

ice cream is an excellent source of comfort;

pets increase the quality of one's life immeasurably and that my cat is the best cat ever (but Mr. Wilson is a close second);

all the decisions I've made over the last 31 years, right or wrong, good or bad, have made me who I am today and I would not change 99% of them;

too much.

I feel...

great love for my friends and family;

blessed to have food to eat, clothes (and shoes!) to wear, and a roof over my head;

like a diva when I wear high heels;

that laughing to the point of tears can be very healthy and a lot of fun;

guilty when I catch myself in a state of self-pity about my situation;

often overwhelmed.

I am...

thankful for the unconditional love and support I receive from my friends and family;

eager, but not necessarily easy, to please;

a big fan of post-it notes;

a Christian who happens to be struggling with my faith
and with the ability to let God work in my life;

madly in love with my fiance and greatly looking forward to not only our wedding day but life as a married couple;

a good listener;

working on being a better communicator;

still mourning the loss of my grandparents--all four of the six that have gone to be with God;

obsessed with 311;

determined to be the best wife and mother I can be.